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Battelle Darby Creek

Battelle Darby Creek

Somethings to go know before you go!
1. Nature center is a must!  You won't be disappointed and kids won't want to leave! This would also make a great activity to do on a rainy day. 
2. Bring your walking shoes.  The trails are gravel and easy to walk.  The amount of walking is up to you!
3. Camera, snacks and water is always on my list for a happy family!  
4. Stop and take a minute to enjoy the fresh and the beautiful surroundings :)   
Nature Center - Overlooking the Bison Pasture
Before the entrance of the Nature Center, in the grassy/rocky area to the right 
Walking the Greenway Trail
We found the Bison and these beautiful cotton candy skies! 
Few last pics before the sun go down and back home.
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